Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Markets are interrelated, and a problem in one market can have its source in a different market. This finding is a starting point for macroeconomics. To limit the number of markets they must explore, economists conventionally lump together or aggregate the vast number of markets in a modern economy into only four:
1. markets for goods and services,
2. financial assets,
3. money balances,
4. resources.

The foreign exchange market provides an excellent illustration of how financial markets can transmit disturbances. The market is usually considered to be an efficient market, not subject to runaway speculative binges. The heart of the market is the trading by a number of very large banks. A trade worth a million dollars is very small in this market, but it is the prices of these very large bank transactions that newspapers report when they publish exchange rates. When you deal in smaller amounts when you travel to Thailand, you will get less favorable prices.

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